6,5 år.
det er så lenge eg har hatt kjærlighetssorg/vore ulykkelig forelska. sammenlagt.
lykkelig forelska:
7 år.
ca 50/50 altså. så godt som i allefall.
eg les ei veldig god bok som heiter "The Normal Chaos of Love" av Ulrich Beck og Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim. Det er ei sosiologi-bok. I dag bestemte eg meg for å søke på masteropptaket på sosiologi. Då fekk eg plutselig ein aldri så liten livsgnist i magen. Så no nærmar eg meg ein plan, etter nesten to år uten. Things are lookin up. Håpa eg. Men altså boka. høyr her så klok boka er:
"While men and women are released from traditional norms and can search for a 'life of their own', they are driven into seeking happiness in a close relationship because other social bonds seem to tenuous or unreliable. The need to share your inner feelings with someone, as expressed in the ideal of marriage and bonding, is not a primary human need. It grows the more individual we all become and notice the losses which accompany the gains. As a consequence the direct route away from marriage and family usually leads, sooner or later, back to them again."
"The direction in which modern developments are taking us is reflected in the way we idealize love. Glorifying it in the way we do acts as a counterbalance to the losses we feel in the way we live. If not God, or priests, or class, or neighbours, then at least there is still You. And the size of the You is inversely proportional to the emotional void which otherwise seems to prevail."
(chapter 1, Love or freedom)
p.s. james morrison: eg elskar deg veldig.